ترجمة النص : رشيد لكحيش
الصياغة الأدبية : عبدالحميد الغرباوي
المؤلفة : وانغ إي ماي
ترجمة النص : رشيد لكحيش
الصياغة الأدبية : عبدالحميد الغرباوي
رسوم : عبدالغني ورضي
Of unknown origins ans since the dawn of time, generations of moroccan children and adults alike have listened with fascination to these tales. Many legends and stories have withstood the test of time and endured with the passing of civilizations until the present day.
These traditional stories constitute important, ancient folklore and today are an integral oart of the modern Moroccan identity.
The main Objectives of offering this collection is to revive, preserve and promote Morocco's rich heritage and to inspire a passion for reading in the hearts of the younger generation.